Vitiligo is also known as ‘leucoderma’,’safed kod’ or ‘safed dag’ or white patches and is considered as a social stigma. Hence vitiligo treatment is called as leucoderma treatment.
Vitiligo is appearance of single or multiple depigmented patches on any part of the body. These patches gradually increase in size & cause lot of psychological stress in the patient. It is an auto immune condition and may have a genetic predisposition.

Effect / Causes
Initially the process appropriate for the vitiligo is discussed and hence vitiligo method to be used depends on the type and site of lesion. Hence, selection of the appropriate surgical technique is important for good cosmetic results.
Treatment of vitiligo or treatment of leucoderma usually takes a long time. Medical treatment helps arrest the spread of depigmentation and in some cases, may bring back the pigmentation. In majority of the cases, medical therapy only achieves stabilization of the vitiligo patch but fails to cause complete repigmentation.
The best option for the treatment is Excimer laser treatment for vitiligo or Narrow band UVB therapy may give a very good response in most of unstable +vitiligo, though complete therapy takes long time.
However, repigmentation in cases of ‘stable vitiligo’ can be achieved by various dermatosurgical techniques. There is plastic surgery for vitiligo as well.
The following techniques are used for the white patches treatment: Miniature punch grafting, ultra thin skin grafting for vitiligo, Suction blister grafting, Therapeutic spot or regional Dermabrasion, Melanocyte culture and transplantation, Tattooing.

The treatment of white spot on skin requires a sessions for follow up in which diet and lifestyle habits are also examined and asked to follow. So that the vitiligo patches go off permanently.
Is vitiligo treatment painful?
No vitiligo therapy is not painful neither causes any discomfort nor doesn’t result in severe health consequences.
Which is considered to be appropriate treatment for vitiligo?
Excimer light therapy is considered to be one of effective treatments for vitiligo.
Is vitiligo infectious or does it spread?
Actually No, it is not at all infectious so ignoring the person having vitiligo is a sign of arrogance.
What complications a vitiligo affected person can carry?
People with vitiligo may suffer from social stress along with that itching or irritation is also felt at times.
Is exposure to sun is harmful or useful to vitiligo?
Exposure to setting sun or light sunlight is very useful for vitiligo people in healing the patches as it gives natural pigmentation.
What all body areas are affected by vitiligo?
Generally the affected areas are elbow, knees, genital area ,finger tips are affected zones of body.
What is the cost of chemical peeling?