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Lip Augmentation

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Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that can give you fuller, sensual, plumper lips that are now considered aesthetically appealing. Those who have thin lips can rejoice fuller lips and enhance the look of the entire face.

Individuals who have larger than average or large lips may feel self conscious about their appearance, as their lips appear out of proportion with other facial features.

Lip Reduction

Many men and women undergo lip augmentation procedure to increase the size of the upper and/or lower lips. However, there are some people out there that feel that their lips aren’t in balance with the entire face and are too large.
Many men and women undergo lip augmentation procedure to increase the size of the upper and/or lower lips. However, there are some people out there that feel that their lips aren’t in balance with the entire face and are too large.
The Lip Reduction procedure is designed to reduce the size of the lips that can interfere with eating, drinking and achieve a harmony between the upper and lower lips.

Lip Lift

A lip lift is a cosmetic procedure designed to elevate the lips to create a more youthful and relaxed time. The lip lift procedure is suited for those who have a long space above the upper lip, while some people are born with it, other people acquire this look with age. If you are grappling with visible signs of facial aging around the mouth area, you will likely benefit from this procedure. The Lip Lift procedure can also make you look younger.

Lip Shaping

Your lips can be absolutely perfect in no time. At Dr. Monisha’s clinic, we understand that lips are an integral part of a person’s facial profile. If you have a lip size which is disproportionate, you need not worry. It can be restored to the correct size and restore the balance to the face.

Shaping your lips is a customized procedure for the patient based on her facial structure, tissue characteristics and aesthetic expectations. We treat your lips right.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Injectable lip augmentation techniques can be performed quickly in your doctor’s office with little to no downtime. Fat injection is the exception, since the procedure requires a small area of liposuction to remove the fat from another part of your body before the injection can take place.

Before the injections, a topical or local numbing agent may be applied to ease discomfort. Sometimes, nerve block injections can be given before the treatment to completely numb the lips. This is similar to the anesthetic injections that you get at the dentist to numb your mouth.

After carefully marking the areas to be injected, very fine needles are used to inject the substance into your lips.

Following injection, ice may be given to ease discomfort and control swelling. But no firm pressure should be put on the treatment area.

Lipstick or other lip products are best avoided immediately after the procedure.
You should be able to notice a difference immediately. After you have healed, your lips should feel natural.

Side Effects and Risks

Side effects of hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and should only last a few days. They may include:

  • Bleeding from the injection sites
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Redness and tenderness at the site of the injection
  • Reactivation of cold sores or fever blisters (herpes simplex) of the lips or area surrounding the lips