Hypertension can lead to several complications and can increase the risk of brain stroke, heart attack, and sometimes death in severe cases. Get the best hypertension treatment in Jaipur only at Abhishek Hospital which has a dedicated team of physicians who provide quality care to patients suffering from high blood pressure. Moreover, it is the primary risk factor for numerous diseases such as cardiovascular disease, heart failure, etc. Patients are advised to keep blood pressure under control for preserving their overall health.
Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors
Some of the commonly observed symptoms of hypertension include headache, nose bleeding, and shortness of breath but the fact is, these symptoms are not visible until the blood pressure reaches a high level. Regularly monitoring the blood pressure is advisable for patients. There is no single cause for blood pressure and usually, it can occur due to a number of underlying conditions such as chronic kidney problems, thyroid, sleeping disorder, or any congenital birth defects in the blood vessels. Old age persons or those who have a family history of high blood pressure, obese persons, and people with a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to hypertension.
Treatment approach for Hypertension
Although medications are the primary approach for hypertension treatment in Jaipur, doctors generally advise adopting a healthy lifestyle along with stress management. Lifestyle changes along with diet management can help the patient manage high blood pressure levels to a great extent. As high sodium levels result in hypertension, diuretic pills are provided to assist kidneys to eliminate salts and excess water from the body. Patients are advised to intake a low sodium diet with an adequate fiber amount. Engaging in regular physical activity not only helps in managing weight but avoids the further complications that can arise due to obesity. The amount of alcohol should also be limited or gradually reduced to nil.
How hypertension can be detected?
A person diagnosed with high BP may showcase symptoms like fatigue, blurred vision, severe headache, chest pain, breathing difficulty, and rising heartbeat, etc.
Can High BP affect my kidneys?
Yes. It affects the nephrons and blood vessels in the kidneys and leads to improper functioning of the kidneys. The inability to filter blood also leads to high BP.
What are the common drug therapies and medications for hypertension?
Diuretics and blood thinners are generally advised to patients suffering from high BP. Moreover, the drug combination is also based on the age of the patient.
Can you tell me some common causes of Hypertension?
Being obese, sedentary lifestyle, intake of diet having high sodium content, smoking, stress, alcohol intake, excessive stress, family history all lead to high BP.