Breast size is important to every woman for obvious reasons. If you are dissatisfied with your small breast size and want to go for increase breast size then breast augmentation surgery is the first choice to consider. Treatment for breast enlargement also improves the balance of your figure.
Also known as, Augmentation Mammoplasty, the procedure involves using implants to fulfil your desire for fuller breasts. Implants also may be reconstructing a breast or how to enlarge breast after mastectomy or injury.
Apart from the cosmetic aspect the breast reconstructive surgeries is also cures the breast cancer problems and helps in breast correction and get rid of other breast issues.

Effect / Causes
Firstly our specialized doctors clear all the queries a patient carries with himself and give the total guidance according to the need and requirement.

- Common incision locations include the breast crease, in the underarm, or around the areola (pigmented skin surrounding the nipple).
- Placement of silicone implants beneath the chest wall muscle or directly behind breast tissue using pre-filled silicone gel implants or implants filled during surgery creates desired volume.
What is the main purpose to go for breast surgery?
Breast surgery is basically for either breast enlargement purpose or reduction depending on a woman’s choice and need.
What is a limitation of augmentation?
The major breast drooping trouble is not handled by doing augmentation alone hence breast correction methods are adopted too.
Who is the best female candidate for breast surgery ?
As such many women go for this breast surgery as a cosmetic means of looking better and better .Also after weight loss and pregnancy women opt it.
What is the actual cost required for hair transplant process?
The cost of transplant varies based on region and the method opted. And Abhishek hospital generally charge graft wise.
Is the surgery painful?
No, surgery is not painful as the patient is under anaesthesia and so no sensation is felt during the procedure.
What is the actual cost for this?
The cost is known before the procedure as it varies according different dimensions.
What is the recovery time period for the same?
Within few weeks the patient can resume her daily physical activities back.